Saturday, November 23, 2013

Karanja's Big Day Out

Karanja needed to go to the dentist so we made a day of taking him to Nyeri to go to dentist and do shopping just for him. It was only his second time to go to Nyeri (the city about 1 hour from us). He was so excited to go that he couldn't even sleep and would tell everyone "I'm going to Nyeri". Once we arrived he was scared of all of the cars and people and wouldn't let go of my hand. We were walking between two parked cars and the driver of one of them started it's engine and he about jumped out of his skin! He did great at the dentist after he figured out that the dentist chair wasn't going to attack him:)

After the dentist we went to lunch and he was excited to have beef fry, spinach, cabbages, potatoes, french fries, a doughnut (mandazi) and a coke! This kid can eat- but a trip to Nyeri must include a great lunch! Later we ran into a friend who bought him yoghurt and a snack cake.  This kid can eat- but a trip to Nyeri must include good food! Then we did some shopping for him- getting church and play clothes, socks and a pair of shoes. Then he went to the barber and was all smiles.

We were in the grocery store and he pulled me close- I thought he was again afraid of all of the people but instead he said to me with a big smile, "It's my birthday today, it's Nov 20!"  That's right... Karanja never knew his birthday so when he was at my house in July he decided Nov 20 would be his birthday. Birthdays aren't really celebrated here so at the time I didn't think he would remember the date he picked, but sure enough he did! What are the odds- the first time in his life to go to Nyeri for a day just for him happened to be on the first birthday he has ever known:)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for Karanja please tell him Happy Belated birthday from us! It's really neat he picked a date close to your birthday:) Love, Aunt Peggy
